You probably don’t realize that using your dental benefits before the end of the year can save you hundreds of dollars! While the majority of dental plans run on a calendar year, there are some that run fiscally dependant on different situations. We have compiled 5 different reasons why using your benefits before the end of the calendar year will save you time and money.
Your dental insurance plan likely has a yearly maximum, this amount is what your dental insurance plan has agreed to pay up to for the year. Most people have an average of $1,000 per year, per person, but this can vary by insurance company. If you have any unused benefits, they do not roll over to the next year so it is wise to plan ahead before your calendar or fiscal year ends.
Most insurance companies require a deductible to be paid out of pocket to your dentist before your insurance company will pay for any services. Depending on your plan and the dentist you choose, your deductible can vary in amount, however, average deductibles are around $50 per year. When plans roll over to a new year, your deductible will also be reset.
You are paying dental premiums each and every month and you should be taking full advantage of them. If you don’t think you require dental treatment, coming in every six months for a cleaning is great for maintaining your oral health and preventing future dental problems.
Did you know that some dentists increase their rates at the beginning of the year due to the cost of living, equipment, and materials raising? Take advantage of all of your benefits before the year-end, it may save you money! Co-payers will have to pay more if a fee increase takes place at your dentist's office.
If you still have benefits available before the end of the year, book yourself in for an appointment. Delaying treatment can mean that you will encounter more expensive and extensive treatment in the future. Call your dentist and schedule an appointment now, so that cavities and other minor issues can be treated rather than them turning into larger problems.
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