Can baby teeth have cavities?

The first teeth of a child. Smile and laugh. Mom's hand.

Can babies have cavities? Yes, baby teeth can develop cavities.

While baby teeth are bound to be replaced by adult teeth, they still require care and attention. Baby teeth save the space for permanent teeth. Premature loss can result in remaining teeth moving from their proper position, leaving no room for adult teeth when they come in. 

Tooth decay and cavities in young children

Tooth decay is common among children. It damages the tooth enamel and leads to holes or cavities in teeth. 

When sugary and starchy food lingers on teeth, harmful bacteria feed off them and produce acids that attack the enamel. 

Debris from food such as milk, cereals, bread, and candies are all potential food for harmful bacteria. 

Symptoms of cavities

Cavity symptoms can vary. Here are some of the common symptoms to look out for:

  • White spots or discolouration forming on teeth
  • Brown colour appearing on the tooth
  • Pain in affected areas
  • Pain when brushing or chewing food
  • Increased sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Persistent bad breath

It’s easy to spot symptoms when you examine your child’s teeth. To be sure, schedule them for an oral examination so your dentist can take a look at their mouth. 

The earlier signs of cavities are detected, the sooner they can also be treated. 

Common causes of cavities 

The mouth naturally has good and bad bacteria, so all children, including babies, can be at risk of developing cavities. 

Here are some of the common causes of cavities among children:

  • Prolonged exposure to sugary or starchy food
  • Baby bottle decay or leaving a bottle filled with milk or juices in your child’s mouth as they sleep
  • Passing on bacteria to children by sharing utensils or testing out food before giving it to them
  • Poor oral hygiene habits
  • Reduced saliva flow
  • Lack of fluoride

What happens when babies or children develop cavities?

Babies can experience severe discomfort or tooth pain when they develop cavities. This can impact their appetite and nutrition. 

They might do away from certain types of food due to chewing difficulties. This can keep them from enjoying healthy food choices. 

Tooth decay and cavities can also affect teeth alignment. Your child may soon need an oral appliance to correct the issue. Teeth that aren’t growing straight and out of their ideal position may affect your child’s self-esteem as they start socializing. 

A poor bite can also cause speaking difficulties. Your child may have a hard time pronouncing sounds. Without proper treatment, tooth decay and cavities can cause remaining teeth to become infected and form cavities as well.

Baby teeth are temporary, but that doesn’t mean they’re unimportant. By helping your child prevent cavities, you also help them maintain good oral health until adulthood.

How to help your child prevent cavities

Good oral hygiene habits are beneficial in helping your baby avoid cavities. Here are more tips to keep their teeth free from decay.

  • Clean your child’s mouth regularly even before their teeth start to come in.
  • For babies, use a clean, damp washcloth to wipe their gums. For toddlers or younger children, use the right amount of fluoride toothpaste to help strengthen their teeth.
  • Talk to your dentist about applying dental sealants to your child’s molars as a layer of protection against cavities. 
  • Don’t let your child sleep with a bottle containing milk or juice in their mouth.
  • Avoid dipping pacifiers in sweets and giving them to your child for extended periods.
  • Limit intake of sweets and starchy food.

Take your child with you to your family dentist for an oral examination. Your dentist can check whether your child is more prone to cavities and recommend options to protect their oral health. 

Children’s dentistry in NW Calgary

Tooth decay and cavities can be prevented. If your child has them, it’s never too late. Your dental team can help restore their healthy smile. 

For more information about dental visits for children in NW Calgary, contact our team today at (587) 355-2524

We can book you in as a family and look after your child while you're in the dental chair.

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