Family Dentists at Metro Dental in NW Calgary want to spend some time discussing the advantages of dentures. In recent years the advancement of dental technology and increased placement of dental implants may have created the impression that dentures are a poor choice. But the reality is that this method for replacing teeth still provides advantages and benefits – and is considered to be a viable option for tooth replacement.
When it comes to selecting dental treatment there are many procedures to choose from. Are some superior to others or do they all provide the same level of function and longevity? On paper there may be one clear answer – yes – some procedures are considered to offer a more ideal result, especially in the case of dental implants as they literally mimic a natural tooth – which is hard to beat. But not all treatment options are right for all patients – as a patient’s bite and overall dental health have to be taken into consideration – meaning that the best dental treatment is the treatment that best serves the patient. And if dental implants or crown and bridgework just isn’t a realistic option for some – then turning to the benefits of a denture may be a successful alternative.
Dr. Verena Lam and Dr. Jeff Chen of Metro Dental explain that there are many advantages and benefits that come from dentures – they are reasonably affordable, provide a cosmetic result and require moderate maintenance. Dentures can be used to replace all teeth or just a few teeth – that’s the difference between complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are designed to replace every tooth in either a top or bottom arch or both. A partial denture can also be worn on either the top or bottom arch (or both) and is used to replace just a few teeth as it is designed to be integrated into a mouth that has natural teeth. Resembling natural teeth and providing a cosmetic solution to a gappy smile – dentures do have limitations as just like any prosthesis – artificial can never be as perfect as the real thing.
If you want to restore a gappy smile or are in need of a new denture – talk to the dental team at Metro Dental in Harvest Hills – (587) 355-2524
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