The role diet plays in impacting the health of our mouth and body has been receiving significant attention due to ongoing studies that highlight the link between dietary choices and systemic diseases. A high intake of sugars not only increases an individual’s risk of developing diabetes; but also puts them at risk for cardiovascular disease and compromised immunity. Our food choices not only impact our bodies outwardly – but inwardly there is damage occurring to every tissue due to the inflammatory response certain food groups initiate.
You may be thinking – what has this got to do with my oral health? Well, the reality is that the mouth reveals signs and symptoms of poor diet choices – witnessed by erosion of dental enamel and presence of dental decay, inflamed and bleeding gums, receding gums, and periodontal pocketing. It has been known for many years that foods high in fermentable carbohydrates contribute to the formation of cavities and inflamed oral tissues – increasing a person’s risk of developing periodontal disease – which is an inflammatory disease of tissues surrounding a tooth (gum, bone, ligaments).
Poor oral hygiene, coupled with a high intake of simple carbohydrates creates the perfect environment for plaque to develop on tooth surfaces. Plaque develops when sugars and starches are left on teeth – bacteria in the plaque live off food remnants – producing acids that irritate gum tissue and cause tooth decay. Inflamed gums (gingivitis) are reacting to being irritated by the bacteria in plaque – pulling away from the irritant and becoming puffy. Over time mild gingivitis can develop to become Periodontal Disease – a disease that not only involves gum tissue but bone levels and supporting ligaments. Keeping teeth clean with daily brushing and flossing – along with reducing sugar intake is the best defense in preventing tooth decay and inflammation of oral tissues.
Help your mouth and your body by making smart food choices (beware of sugary drinks) and seeing your NW Calgary Dentist on a regular basis. Worried about your dental health? Contact Metro Dental today (587) 355-2524
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