How Do I Get My Kids To Brush Their Teeth?

child brushing teeth

Halloween is just around the corner, and all that candy has many parents wondering about their child’s oral health. It can be difficult to get kids to brush their teeth, but the sooner you start creating healthy habits, the fewer cavities your child will face as they grow. Here are a couple of tips for getting kids of all ages to brush.

Tickle Teeth!

Lots of toddlers have no interest in lying still so you can brush their teeth, but many of them enjoy a good tickle. Instead of “brushing their teeth,” have them lie on the bed so you can “tickle their teeth.” This works best if you tickle their toes and other favourite places as well. Remember you only need to brush for about a minute!

Brush Together!

Is it really just your child who struggles to brush their teeth twice a day? Whenever we meet parents who are seeking advice with getting their kids to brush, we recommend taking a hard look at their own oral hygiene. Kids love to be with their parents and to do what they see grown-ups do. Why not cut out the evening snack and brush your teeth when your elementary student does? It’ll be a great way to know they actually brushed, and they’ll feel so grown up brushing beside you.

Remind Your Teen.

Brushing teeth can seem like a tedious, time-consuming chore that doesn’t really matter. This is especially true if your teen is tired after getting home late from hanging out with friends. But brushing twice daily is important. It’s even more important for teens undergoing orthodontics. For teens, we recommend either talking to them yourself if you have a very positive relationship or asking the dentist to speak with them as an authority. Remind them how much they dislike having cavities filled and the potential danger of losing teeth. If that doesn’t work, channel your inner teenager and bluntly tell them that the plaque makes their teeth yellow and breath stink — you’ll have them running for the floss.

Whatever age your child is, it’s important that they brush their teeth at least twice a day. Need more advice on helping your kid to brush better? Is it time they went to the dentist for a professional cleaning? Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

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