Having The Smile You Always Wanted

patient at a dental exam

For many, the need to visit the dentist conjures up thoughts of discomfort, considerable time in the chair, and a hefty bill at the end. And though certain dental procedures can seem overwhelming and fearful – there are ways to minimize the fear associated with a visit - enabling even the most dental-averse patient to still take care of their smile.

How Sedation Dentistry Can Help

Being afraid of the dentist is a real concern for some patients. Even though on an intellectual level they get that the dentist is there to help them and not hurt them – past experiences and phobias take over and turn a routine dental appointment into a trip to the torture chamber. Dental anxiety is real and though some of us don’t blink an eye at the thought of spending an hour in the dental chair – for some patients even the thought of an appointment can make them feel nauseous and panicky. So, how does an anxious dental patient ever get work completed and keep their smile healthy and attractive? In some cases, patients' mouths do suffer, as the lack of dental attention enables decay and gum disease to become a real issue. But for patients who have discovered the benefits of Sedation Dentistry – a trip to the dentist is no longer something to be feared or avoided.

How Does Sedation Dentistry Help?

Sedation Dentistry can help patients move forward with treatment by relaxing them enough that fear and anxiety doesn’t take over. Conscious Oral Sedation involves patients, who have been deemed suitable candidates, taking sedation medication prior to their appointment – so that during the actual dental appointment they are in a relaxed state and able to handle dental sounds, smells, and procedures. Some patients reach such a state of relaxation that they fall asleep in the chair during the procedure – but this may not happen for everyone as the medication reacts differently in individuals. One of the benefits of Conscious Oral Sedation is that the patient can still communicate during the appointment – and is able to alert the dentist to any discomfort and respond if questioned by the dental team. Considered impaired once the sedation medication has been taken – it’s important that a patient have someone drive them to and from the appointment.

Having the smile you always wanted isn’t reserved for just the brave and dentally adventurous patients – even the most timid and dentally nervous individual can get the dental treatment they need and want – and have the best possible smile.

For more information regarding Sedation Dentistry at Metro Dental in Harvest Hills – contact this NW Dental office today (587) 355-2524

All procedures performed by General Dentists

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