One topic of conversation that these NW Calgary Dentists enjoy having is the benefits of Invisalign over Traditional Braces and Brackets. It’s a commonly asked question; and one that warrants an accurate and unbiased response. Invisalign Clear Retainers are bracketless and wireless and fit over teeth much like bleaching trays. They are made from smooth BPA-Free plastic and are custom fabricated using a 3D impression of a patient’s top and bottom teeth. Because this teeth straightening system is custom fit – the comfort and effectiveness of treatment is never compromised and teeth are able to be gently moved – correcting crookedness and bringing teeth in to better alignment. The lack of brackets and wires makes Invisalign appealing to patients whose goal is to straighten their teeth without anyone noticing – and Invisalign Retainers are removable, so that becomes another attractive benefit – allowing patients to remove their retainers prior to a sporting activity or important work or school presentation.
However, the lack of brackets and wires means that Invisalign retainers don’t have the same retention that braces, wires, and brackets create – and therefore the amount of force that is exerted on teeth is reduced with Invisalign. What does this mean to patients? If you have significant bite issues that require more than ‘tweaking a few teeth’ – braces with brackets and wires may prove to be the more viable method for straightening teeth. Teeth move in a response to force that is strategically applied – and patients’ treatment needs vary depending on the degree of movement required. Orthodontic treatment is a highly customized process – with no two patients requiring the exact same treatment. Claiming that one form of teeth straightening method should be used over another is a hard claim to make as critical factors such as bite issues, treatment goals, and patient expectations have to be taken in to consideration. Successful Orthodontic Treatment in Calgary happens when an accurate preliminary diagnosis is made, a viable orthodontic system is used to correct deficiencies – and patient compliance is high. Creating a beautiful smile isn’t about promoting a certain system – but honoring a patient’s dental health needs.
If you are considering orthodontic treatment and would like more information – contact Metro Dental in Harvest Hills today (587) 355-2524
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