For some of us who don’t have all our natural teeth – having a full denture or partial denture that fits well and looks great can make all the difference when it comes to enjoying food and life! Just like all aspects of dentistry – when it comes to fabricating dentures, materials and methods have improved to increase the esthetics and comfort of these dental prosthetics. NW Calgary Dentists at Metro Dental in Harvest Hills understand the importance of providing superior denture options – and even offer Implant-Supported Dentures to patients who would benefit from this technique.
There are many reasons why people lose teeth – Dental Decay, Periodontal Disease, Failed Root Canal Therapy, and Dental Trauma – having viable options for restoring a smile to its youthful appearance and correct function is important as not only does it enable patients to enjoy mealtimes it helps restore a patients confidence and enjoyment of life. Years ago dentures were often regarded as a dental annoyance that was tolerated for family photos and used to unsuccessfully chew through food – and invariably they spent more time in a glass at the side of the bed than in a person’s mouth. But the fabrication of dentures has changed dramatically – with special focus being given to fit, comfort, and function – so that denture wearers are able to eat whatever they choose, and smile as much as they want.
Whether you need a Full Denture (replacing all teeth) or Partial Denture (replacing a few teeth) – there has never been a better time to have a dental prosthetic that fits properly and functions optimally. Dr. Verena Lam and Dr. Jeff Chen are NW Calgary Dentists who can attest to an increase in patient satisfaction with a modern denture – especially an Implant-Supported Denture that provides incomparable retention and function. Imagine easily clipping a denture onto implant supports – no movement when chewing or speaking – and no risk of the denture falling out. Not only does the denture look like natural teeth – but with the use of the implant supports – it functions just like natural teeth.
If you would like a consultation regarding a new Full Denture, Partial Denture, or Implant-Supported Denture – contact Metro Dental today (587) 355-2524
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