Oral Piercings – Keep the Bling Out of Your Mouth

girl with tongue piercings

Certain fashion statements are harmless – causing no more concern than a reputation for having great ink or being a warrior for numerous cartilage piercings. Ear cartilage piercings may present some annoyance if tangled in a sweater or hair – but other than a few moments of frustration, no long-term damage occurs. Oral Piercings don’t come with the same low risk rating – so researching what you might be biting-off is recommended prior to committing to bars and bling.

Fractured Teeth and Oral Piercings

Body piercing seems common-place today, and is maybe seen to replace usual jewellery pieces – like a necklace or ring. Oral piercings include lip, cheek and tongue jewellery, and though viewed as art by some, there’s no escaping the fact that oral piercings can pose a risk to an individual’s oral health. Our dentists at Metro Dental want to share with you the health risks that oral piercings pose! They range from tooth fractures, trauma to gum tissue, pain and infection and permanent nerve damage (of the tongue). The habit of playing with a piercing can change the shape of teeth – causing unusual wear facets – and also create chronic sores on lips and gums, enabling bacteria to enter the blood stream.

Infection, Pain and Swelling

The mouth is home to millions of bacteria, coupled with the naturally moist environment it’s not unusual for a tongue piercing to become infected, causing acute swelling that can present airway interference. If you decide that you just can’t live without a barbell in your tongue – make sure you are religious about keeping the wound clean to prevent infection that forces you to take out the jewellery. And delicate gum tissue is also at risk for trauma and infection as a result of the barbell constantly rubbing on the inside of teeth. Overtime this source of irritation can lead to periodontal issues - so try to avoid wanting to press the barbell up against delicate gums.

Family Dentists at Metro Dental acknowledge that oral piercings can be a form of self-expression and respect a patient’s decision to pierce their body. Taking care of piercings to avoid infection – and being aware that jewelry can harm teeth and gums - will help keep your smile healthy.

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