Missing a tooth doesn’t only affect your appearance, it can also impact your confidence and even your health.
While tooth loss is a common dental issue, is there a way you can prevent it? Can you keep your natural teeth longer? We answer these questions and more in this post.
Common tooth loss causes
1. Poor oral health. Poor oral hygiene habits can make you more susceptible to cavities and gum disease. Not brushing and flossing regularly and delaying your routine hygiene cleanings can lead to tartar buildup in your mouth.
2. Cavities. Cavities are holes in the teeth that form due to tooth decay. Harmful acids combine with bacteria and eat away at the enamel or the outermost layer of the teeth. When left untreated, cavities can damage the pulp and lead to tooth extraction.
3. Gum disease. Periodontal disease or gum disease is an oral health issue that affects not only the gums but also the bone and structures that support the teeth. When the bacteria-laden film, called plaque, hardens into tartar and isn’t removed immediately, it can irritate the gums. This can result in gum recession and eventually, tooth loss.
4. Poor eating habits. Consuming excessive amounts of acidic and sugary food and beverage can also increase your risk of developing cavities and gum disease. The damage can progress quickly with poor oral hygiene habits.
5. Harmful habits. Smoking, teeth grinding, and using your teeth as a tool to open packages can also be possible causes of tooth loss. Smoking weakens the body’s immunity and ability to heal. While chronic grinding can cause premature wear to the teeth. Severe cases may result in tooth loss.
6. Injuries and traumas. Sports injuries, falls, and collisions could also lead to tooth loss. In most cases, these incidents cause chips and fractures to the teeth. But severe ones can leave you with a missing tooth or teeth.
How to prevent tooth loss
● Boost oral hygiene habits. Be sure to brush at least twice a day for at least two minutes each, and floss at least once daily. Be gentle when cleaning your mouth and switch to a new brush once your old one starts to become frayed.
● Use protective oral appliances. Talk to your dentist about using a custom mouthguard if you’re active in sports, whether contact or non-contact. Consult with them as well if you’re experiencing teeth grinding. They may recommend a device to protect your teeth against damages.
● See your dentist regularly. Don’t delay seeing your dentist. Regular oral checkups can help you determine issues early on and treat them before they progress. Preventative measures can keep your teeth in good health and also lower your dental costs.
● Maintain a balanced diet. Your teeth also need nutrition from the food that you eat. Eat sweets and starchy food in moderation. Include leafy greens and fruits in your meals. And avoid snacking throughout the day.
● Avoid unhealthy habits. Don’t use your teeth as a tool. Wear dentist-approved oral devices to protect your teeth.
What to do if your tooth falls out
Remember these tips for when you knock out a tooth. Your tooth may still be saved with proper action.
1. Stay calm, but act quickly.
2. Find your tooth, rinse it with clean water to remove dirt or debris.
3. When handling the tooth, touch it on its surface and not on its root.
4. Keep the tooth moist. If you can’t put it back to its socket, put it in a container with milk. 5. See your dentist as soon as possible. Schedule an emergency appointment.
Time is critical when saving a knocked-out tooth. The sooner you make it to the dental office, the higher the chances of getting it back to its place.
How your dentist can fix it
A knocked-out tooth can still be repositioned by your dentist. Your dentist first checks if it's in the right position by taking an x-ray.
If the tooth can no longer be found or put back into place, your dentist may recommend a denture, bridge, or dental implant.
These treatment options help you restore your confidence and avoid further oral health problems.
Your dentist helps you through the process by evaluating the condition of your mouth and your goals and recommending appropriate solutions. But, overall, nothing beats prevention in keeping your natural teeth longer. It’s the easiest and most cost-effective way to keep your smile complete.
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